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Textile pattern of fine dots made from stencils and paste -resist; also fabrics with such patterns the dots are usually form 1 to 2 centimeters in diameter (0.4 to 0.8 inch), but the finest patterns have as many as 600 to 700 dots per 3 square centimeters (0.5sq in)
Early in the Edo Period (1600-1868) komon was used mainly on a monochrome back ground for kamishimo , the warriors' formal upper garment and later for unlined haori, kosode, and nagajuban since it was particularly popular in Edo(no Tokyo), it is also known as Edo Komon. In the Meiji period (1868-1912) its popularity declined, but it has recently come into use again.
Same Komon
- Shark Skin Petterned-
Ireko Bishi
-Concentric diamonds -


Kiku Bishi
- leaf of hemp-

More about Komon

Same Komon
- Shark Skin Petterned-
Fabric with Same komon (Shark Skin Pattern) is believed as protecting you from something evil or illness. Traditionally, bride will bring new Same-komon Kimono with her. We believe the Kimono will protect her from illness and evilness in her new family.

- leaf of hemp-
Fabric with Asanoha is often used for babies Kimono. That is because we pray a baby's healthy powerful groiwng ups just like hemp's grass.

Uroko -scales- pattern are also believed as protecting you from sickness and evilness.
For example wearing Obi (belt) with Uroko Komon while you are in YAKUDOSHI (Age of unfortunate) will be protect you from the year's unluckiness.

- Yakudoshi : According to Japanese folk belief, those ages when an indivisual is most likely to experience calamities or misfortunes. Although there are locan and historical variations, caccording to the Ommyoudou(to wiki) age of 42 for men (age 41 is Mae-Yaku (before Yaku) and age 43 is Ato-yaku (After Yaku), age of 33 for women (like wise). Of there, age 42 formen and 33 for women are considered especially critical. It is customary in these unlucky years to visit temples adn shrines.

c.f. Uroko Kamon (Family crest)

(Also, reads as SeiKaiha)
"Seigaiha" is written as "BLUE OCEAN WAVE" in Kanji (Chinese character). This pattern seems to come from Gagaku -ancient music and dance- 's title (In this case, we reads it as SeiKAIha not seiGAIha). Two gagaku dancers wear Seigaiha Patterned Kimono, and dance waving the sleeves.

Later, the pattern has regarded as calm waves. Four arcs are meant to be four oceans (east, west, south and north) surrounding Japan islands.
In this repeated calm waves pattern, we see our days are repeated calmly and peacefully forever.
"Yoshiwara-tsunagi" is written as g( a name of the place) q( chaining). This patterned Kimono was worn in Kabuki drama located Yoshiwara - Yukaku in Edo and this seems to be an origin of this pattern's name, - Chain pattern of Yoshiwaramono (dramas regarding to Yoshiwara).

This chaining pattern has been loved by people as "Eternal Chaining" and "Community chaining" . That is why this pattern is often used for Happi for festival.

Do you like to see Happi? click HERE

"Kikkou" (Tb) : The pattern lining of hexagons is just like a shell of turtles. This is because this pattern is called Turtles' shell (Tb=T̍bj.@Turtles are symbols of longevity and the hexagon is wishes for enlightenment of power to all direction.

To see Men's Casual Kimono (s07-8859)
To see Jinbaori


>> HERE <<


-Never mind-
This special Hiragana and picture mixing pattern reads as KAMAWANU "never mind" . KAMA = sickle (picture of it) + WA =ring + NU (-hiragana)

Complicated Kanji (Chinese characters) are all "KOTOBUKI" in seal-engraving style.

Japanese Arabesque
Strong roots and energetic ivy reminds us family's prosperity and everlasting.
This pattern was brought to Japan with Buddism and its arts.

Small Cherry Blossom
When there is a word of Hana "flower" in Tanka (Japanese traditional short poem), it means "cherry blossom" (Or, in more antient ones, we means UME - Japanese plum- though). Also, we express "blooming" as success.

These whirl pattern looks like whirl in ocean, one in clouds, or sprout of plants. This pattern means "the place something born"
Whirl pattern is regarded as the oldest pattern.

-faltering stripe-
This Tenugui shows check with "yorokejima - faltering stripe-".
Stripe pattern is loved because it reminds "all the way" and "all the time". Faltering is "asobi"- uniqueness and free-

-Feathers of Arrow-
This pattern means as "Let's go!!"
In old days, bride's parents hand Kimono of this pattern to their doughter.
Because arrows will never come back after being released (It means " never divorce / never apart" )

- pine needle -
Pine tree is ever-green tree.
Mostly we love to see a pine tree is always green even during winter and snow. We love its strength and love to patiently wait for spring. "WAIT" in Japanese is "MATSU", which is same sounds of Matsu of the pine tree.

Tonbo (Dragonfly)

Tsuru Crane