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Tsukikage OdoriKai in Hawaii

The Pink and Green Hanten :
m-6202 and m-6203 at 8050-yen/pc

Mr. Tom Sidebottom (IA , U.S.A.)
(his FB : here)

His Kimono : custom made from fabric No. s-1728 (Dark Blue Hitokoshi , flat woven plain fabric)

AVB Sports (Belgium)

Autometal Van Broeck bvba
AVB-Sports's Original Flags.
(Polyester pongee, ink-jet printing)

The flags at a show.


Shop flags? here.

Original shop flags? mail us!!
Their flags?

20pcs as per one order. Under 3000-yen/pc!!

Odaiko New England (O.N.E.) ( MA / U.S.A.)
Their Website
& Their Blog

They wear :

Hanten : m08-6357
& Coloured Hanten Obi :

International Iai-jutsu and Naginata-jutsu Seminar in this Summer in Austria

Muso Jikiden Eishinryu Iai-jutsu Koumei juku Austria (Vienna, Austria)
Shibucho Mr. Erwin Steinhauser (5th from right)

To see the website "Koumei Juku Austira" ,

Iai-gi, (Item No.350),
Martial Hakama, ),
About Stitching

Iga Ninja in Swizerland, Mr. R. Franco wears;

Custom made Ninja Shouzoku s07-833C-683

Hoh Daiko
Custom made Happi :
Printing "BACK" and "COLLARS"
on the Colour Muji Hanten No. S-9462 (Mroon) Redish Brown

Hilo Meishoin Tsukikage Odorikaiand
the Hilo Bon Dance Club (Taiko Group)

(Hawaii, USA)
They wear :
Yukata :

Obi : For men
m-4177 and m-4181
for men, and
For ladies s05-4411

Candice-san & Christophe-san
(France) at Japan Expo '07
(japan expo website in English)

Her Kanzashi : kz07-74029

more Pictures
Candice-san with lovely Kanzashi(1)
Candice-san with lovely Kanzashi (2)

Christophe-san's Sensu and Kamishimo

> Similar Montsuki Haori
>Similar Hakama
>Waraji (straw sandal)

>Similar Kasa(Umbrella)
>Obi sash and Obihimo (Obijime)
>white Tabi and Zouri
>Similar Maiko Basket

> similar Kamishimo

Mr. Wallace wears :
Custom Made Kimono
(Fabric No. 7130/7153)
custom Family Crest
(Coloured as close as his Kimono)
Custom Made Hakama
(Fabric No. m05-7966-72: 7972(Slate Gray))

Kakuobi (s07-4183)
Mr. Jeff Wallace's Tea Ceremony Performance Mr. Jeff Wallace (U.S.A.) (right )
and friend (left) in Japan House Tea Garden
Click the picture to see enlarged one

They wear ;

with Name Printing on the lapels

Mathiki(pants) & Haragake (apron) in BLACK

Hanten Obi (belt) in Black

White Jikatabi
Click the picture to see enlarged one
(Toronto, CANADA)

Picture : They are playing for wedding party at the Japanese Garden, MORIKAMI Garden
Delray Beach, FL.

Their Haragake and Matahiki :
item #3010 and #3011 in BLACK

Jikatabi : item #5020

Colour Tekkou (black) : Item # m03-5574
Click the picture to see enlarged one
Fushu Daiko

Tately (USA)
She wears;
Kimono for Kids
Item No.mino05-1002

From Left:
Ryuna, Ryuhaku, Ryukoma, Ryufumi
They wear;

Hanagasa (Flower hat) -ITEM NO. 5133

1. Ryuna's black Kimono
2. Ryukoma - 1182
金龍会-Kinryu Kai-
Japanese Traditional Dance (Brazil)

Hanayagi Ryu

He wears;

Iai-gi, black (Item No.350),
Martial Hakama, black (Item No.225B),
About Stitching
Click the pictures to see enlarged ones
Mr. Bjørn Aris (Holland)
His Websites :
Iikiru -生きる-

Click the pictures to see enlarged one

Ms. Mylène Maya Siegers (Holland) of Ikiru Doujou
Her Website
Mylene Siegers Fotografie
She wears ;

Iai-gi, white (Item No.350),
Martial Hakama, White (Item No.225W),
About Stitching

Click the picture to see enlarged one
Mr. Peter Mercado
(Tasmania, Australia)
He wears;

Kids Happi (Hanten ) Item No. m05-6006
This item including the Hachimaki (Head band ) and the Haten Obi (Belt)

He has Takuhatsu Kasa Item No.S-3145

Click the picture to see enlarged one
Marty (6) and Malina (8)
They wear;

Kids Hanten Item No. 9626
This item including the Hachimaki (Head band ) and the Haten Obi (Belt)
But they wear "MAMESHIBORI" Hachimaki in traditinal way, Nejiri(twisting)-Hachimaki.

Click the picture to see enlarged one
Dimyo of Fugu Village - 河豚村-
He wears;

Jinbaori - vest - (Item No. s-1967)

Warajikake (socks for Waraji) (Item No.S-6154)

Waraji(straw sandal) (Item No.S-6065)

Click the picture to see enlarged one

White Rinzu (Emboss Figured) Hakamashita Kimono Item No. m-7225

Coloured Mon Item No. m-126pc or m126pcs

Muso Jikiden Eishinryu Iai-jutsu Koumei Juku Austria,
Shibucho Mr. Erwin Steinhauser
(Vienna, Austria)
Muso Jikiden Eishinryu Iai-jutsu Koumei juku Austria
To see the website "Koumei Juku Austira"

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