TOTAL : JPY23992-yen (Rate 105.48 )

*Donated 18062-yen on Dec.12, 2016 (RECEIPT)
*Donated 3995-yen on Dec. 18, 2017 (RECEIPT)

Thank you very much for your visiting and shopping at BOKUNAN-DO.
This pot was founded by our customers, who kindly left some changes to BOKUNAN-DO.
We would like to donate this for Japanese Traditional Art and Craft's continuation and development.

Let us share the idea of this, as :

there will be any difference between our estimated shipping cost and actual one, may we donate the difference to Traditional craftsmen Association and or to other prefecture's Craftsmen Association not only Tokyo.

Thank you very much for your understanding. Now, Japanese craftsmen struggles with sweatshops's similar items. We would like to support Japanese Traditional arts.

Your kind and heartwarming support this idea, would you please choose "agree" when you check out the order , or if you come from our new web shopping store, would you please leave a message to us "donate". Thank you very much everyone!

-> Go back and continue shopping (Original BOKUNAN-DO)

-> Go back and continue shopping (New BOKUNAN-DO)

From Jan. 2018, ~
we are going to donate in replace to :
E. Noe (WI, U.S.A.)
Matthew Bernal (NH / USA)
Thank you very much as always.
Joel Rivera (CA/USA)
Thank you very much as always!
Codi Durbin and or Tim Wills (OH/U.S.A.)
Alain BOULANT (France)

Dec. 2017 : We donated 3995-yen to "Nihon Kogei Kai" in place of our customers ;

Sam Fukunishi (Australia)
Barbara J. Veinott (Canada)
Matthew Bernal (NH / USA)

Felix Wang (IL , USA)
W.H. (NC, U.S.A.)
Paul Resnick (P.A. , USA)
Benny M. Schmidt (Germany)


Dec., 2016
We donated 18062-yen to "Nihon-Kogeikai", in place of our customers;

Codi Durbin (OH, USA)
Michael Larkin "part time kage" (TX, USA)
John Penny(CA, USA)
Ravn Dørdal(Norway)
Robert McCullagh (KS, USA)
Andrew O. (KS,USA)
Cristian Garrido (Chile)
Again, thank you very much
Cristian Garrido (Chile)
Bill Larson (TX, USA)
Jeff Wallace (IL, USA)
Brian Mills (VA/USA)
Ryan Ferris (IL/USA)
Jan Tomasek (Czech)
Jon P. (Australia)
Christopher Mohr (TX/USA)
Luc Lefebvre (AB/CA)
Jose Arzuaga (PA / USA)
Hiromi Fujita (CA/USA)
Thomas Nilsson (Denmark)
Joel Rivera (CA/USA)
Tomo Sekine (Japan)



Nihon-Kogeikai , founded in 1955, organized by artists and craftsmans including National Living Treasures, owners of Important Intangible Cultural Properties, which is given and defined by the Japanese government.

This organization covers all Japan , studying and make every efforts for preservation and development of Japanese (Or districts') traditional arts and crafts.They toss an annual exhibition with Japanese gov. BUNKA-CHO (Agency for Cultural Affairs), National public broadcasting organization, NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation) and one of the biggest Japanese News Paper company, ASAHI - SHIBUN.

NIHON-KOGEI KAI's website (In Japanese)


Material Thanks : Layout50